The Twenty-Four Solar Terms China – Ear Grain

Ear Grain is the ninth solar term among the twenty-four solar terms, the third solar term in summer, and the beginning of the Wu month in the calendar of stems and branches. It is celebrated every year on June 5-7 of the Gregorian calendar. The meaning of "awnzhong" is "cereal crops with awns can be planted, otherwise they will become ineffective". During this season, temperatures rise significantly, rainfall is abundant, and air humidity is high, making it suitable for planting late rice and other cereal crops. Farming is bounded by the solar term "awnzhong", after which the survival rate of planting becomes lower and lower. It is the reflection of ancient farming culture on the seasons.

The solar term "Manzhong" is of great significance in farming. Mangzhong is a solar term that is busy in farming, and it is also called "busy planting" among the people.

This season is when rice is planted in the south and wheat is harvested in the north.


Climate change: The climate characteristics of the Mangzhong solar term are significantly higher temperatures, abundant rainfall, and high air humidity. During this period, hot weather occurs frequently, with high humidity and muggy conditions. High temperature weather is possible in both the south and the north. During the Ear solar term, the southeast monsoon rain belt in the South China region in southern China is stable, and the Jiangnan region enters the Meiyu period. During the Ear Grain solar term, northern China has not yet entered the rainy season.

Symbolic meaning:

Harvest and maturity: The Mangzhong solar term marks the official start of summer, and also represents the maturity and harvest of crops. At this time, the crops in the farmland are growing well, and people are busy harvesting the crops and celebrating the arrival of the harvest.

Health and vitality: During the Ear Grain solar term, the earth is full of life and vitality. Crops are growing vigorously, and plants and animals in nature also show strong vitality, symbolizing health and vitality.

Gratitude and prayers: The Manzhong solar term is a time for farmers to be grateful to the earth. People hold sacrificial rituals to pray for a bumper harvest and healthy crops, and at the same time express their gratitude for the gifts of nature.

Hope and expectation: The Earring solar term is the period when crops enter the mature stage, and people are full of hope and expectation for future harvests. This also symbolizes people's expectations and efforts for a better future.

Cycles and Periods: The twenty-four solar terms are part of the ancient Chinese farming culture system. As one of the solar terms, Ear Grain represents the cycle and periodicity of nature. It reminds people that changes in nature are eternal, and the growing season of crops is also an endless cycle.

Post time: Jun-06-2024

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